P1 AquaX USA Championship - ProEnduro
Daytona Beach, Florida, USA - 22, 23 April 2017
Some will say PASSION is the gazoline of social network. With over 600 000 views on Facebook, the impressive video of the collision between David Chassier #41 from Team Race Spirit and Chris MacClugage #46 during Race#3 of the P1 AquaX Pro Enduro of Daytona Beach on April 23rd 2017, we were able to measure what passionates people! It is important to mention again it was an accident and that in the end, the little argument ended up with hugs and laughs between the two pilots that are friends and that have high consideration for each other :)
That week-end was a sky high in emotions for David Chassier #41 during the first PWC race of the P1AquaX USA 2017 Pro Enduro that was held on the world's most famous beach of Daytona Beach, Florida during the 22 and 23 April 2017.
After being the lonely ranger on a Kawasaki Ultra310 against all those Yamaha GP1800 or FXSVHO et few Sea Doo, David Chassier #41 had to show determination to get through the waves with a machine that was showing mechanical failure from the start of race 1. Knowing the Kawasaki Ultra310 weights 115 kilos more and a top speed of 15 km/h less compared to the Yamaha GP1800 when it works well, without a mechanic chief with us to find the problems, it was difficult to do better. David Chassier ranked respectively 19/19/18 for a 23rd place Overall. Even if we think Kawasaki are the best PWC for endurance in this type of sea conditions, it might be better to put speed efficiency as a priority since the races only last 30 minutes.
The 25 pilots in Pro Enduro may have encounter worst race conditions, but most of them will agree to say that the 35 km/h wind 3 meters waves in a PWC circuit located in the middle of a shore break was a true physical and mental challenge. If we had to summarize in image the #JETSKIRODEO of Daytona Beach, we could choose the video that made over 600 000 views on Facebook, of the collision between David Chassier #41 and the 2016 Champion Chris MacClugage #46 on his FX SVSHO.
The Team Race Spirit would like to congratulate all pilots for their courage and make a special mention to the Frenchy. Nicolas Rius #217, who made a spectacular return at high level with a 2nd place on his GP1800 Riva Racing but will unfortunately not be able to race in heat 2 and 3 because of a back injury. Cyrille Lemoine #99, always so professional in his manner to handle a race knowing what happened last year in Daytona. He finishes 4th on the first heat with his GP1800 Riva Racing, but will be forced to give up his chance of scoring more points after his PWC was completely destroyed by another pilot landing on top while he was swimming to get back on it. Didier Chabert #222 was getting used to his new GP1800 Riva Racing, and was able to climb the scales heat after heat finishing respectively 15-13-9 for a 12th place Overall. A big thank you for the technical and moral help brought by Carla Chassier, Joelle Martin, Steve Boniface and Karine Paturel during this week-end :)
Bravo to top 3 of Daytona Beach 2017: MacClugage, Francis and Aswar. We would like to pass all the positive vibes it is possible to send to Sea Doo PWC pilot Tim Ducat for a fast recovery after a really bad accident on a PWC recently, Get Well Soon...
Next step, St. Pete Beach, Floride le 17 - 18 Juin 2017 that you will be able to follow live on the P1 AquaX Facebook page. Until then, you can watch the whole race of Daytona Beach Pro Enduro in video HERE.
Lake Havasu, Arizona, USA - 12 Février 2017
While he was training at Jet Extreme Saint-Martin in the Caribbean waters, David Chassier joined Team Pastorello Competition to form a racing duo with Jeremy Poret for the Mark Hahn Memorial 300 miles of Lake Havasu City, Arizona, USA. On February 12th 2017, David Chassier and Jeremy Poret won the Vice-Champion Overall title and Pro Am 4 Stroke Open on a Kawasaki Ultra310.
To resume, the 2017 racing seasons starts very well and only confirms what a very smart man once said: «Le sport va chercher la peur pour la dominer, la fatigue pour en triompher, la difficulté pour la vaincre. Pierre de Coubertin». It was AWESOME !!! Here is the rest of the story if you want to know all the details.
Here is a little reminder for newbies, the Mark Hahn Memorial 300 miles of Lake Havasu City is the longest Jet Ski race in continue of the world. It has been organized since 13 years by Mike Folmer in memory of his good friend Mark Hahn, former Jet Ski pilot, who told him one day his favorite race was the Havasu 300 miles.
Race format of the Mark Hahn Memorial consist to be the first to do 30 laps of 10 miles on a 4 waypoints course until it ads up to 300 miles (483 km). The start is "Le Mans" style at the gun sound. This year 36 teams of 8 different countries ran to their Jet Skis.
For his fourth time on the 300 miles (2013 - 3rd / 2014 - DNF / 2015 - 3rd), David Chassier, from Blois, formed a duo Jérémy Poret, from Lyon, on a Kawasaki Ultra310 prepared by the Team Pastorello Competition. Poret took a great start but was rapidly reached by faster PWC like the duo formed by Cyrille Lemoine / Nicolas Rius for Team Riva Racing Yamaha who passed the control tower in first. The race strategy of Chassier / Poret, who passed 6th on the first lap, was to bet on reliability of the Kawasaki and to hold physically for the 6 hours of race.
The 2017 edition was marked by big water conditions, cold weather around 13ºC at mid-day, clear sky and 32 km/h of wind. According to the promoter of this event, they would have cancelled the race a few years ago with this kind of roughness on the lake.
At half race, defectuous clutches, battery problems, fuel problems, O2 lost in turbocharger and many others came into the game for many team crew but the Kawasaki Ultra310 prepared by Laurent Lagarde for the Team Pastorello Compétition were able to make it through. After 2h30min of racing and 15 miles to go, we could find at the leader spot the duo formed by Jean-Bruno Pastorello and Jean Baptiste Botti, in second position the duo Yamaha french-russian Ryabko / Prayas and at 2min30 behind, the duo Chassier / Poret. With the waters still moving intensely, the Ryabko / Prayas duo gave up on lap nº23 after having problems with the hull and the compressor. Overall, after 5 hours and 55 minutes of race, Pastorello / Botti passed the finish line on the first spot for the third consecutive year in a row, Chassier / Poret ranked 2nd and Klipenstein / Baldwin ranked 3rd on a stock machine.
We need to congratulate the extraordinary performance of JB Botti who, not only won in Run About, but also won the race in Stand Up with his team mate Raphael Maurin on the new Kawasaki SX-R 2017 1500cc. The Team Pastorello Competition got to take home the best Pit Crew Award and it was well deserved, GOOD JOB guys, thanks to Laurent Lagarde, Guillaume Renault and Jean-Michel Guerard !!! Special mention to Christophe Girello for his support with his new structure of GO FAST Racing.
The Ironman Award and honorific Mark Hahn Award was given to Anthony Radetic for having complete the entire 5h55min of race by his own and to truly represent the spirit of this race : ENDURANCE.
A big THANK YOU to the promoter of this race : Mike Folmer, Tom Perry of Hot Products, Jim Russell of DSM, and Ross Wallach, race director, for their hard work on make this happen. Thanks to our partners: Team Race Spirit, Jet Extreme Saint-Martin, Gritchen Assurance, Motul, L.A. Sellerie Design, Bullett Racing and Zapata Racing. Thank you to Nicolas Rius for his hospitality and big BRAVO to all participants.
Fort Lauderdale, Floride, USA - 19 et 20 Novembre 2016
Un petit changement d'huile chez Riva Racing et c'est reparti pour les 3 dernières manches de la saison. La finale du Championnat P1 AquaX Pro Enduro 2016 s'est tenu sur la mythique "Venise de l'Amérique" dans la commune de Fort Lauderdale au nord de Miami durant le week-end du 19 et 20 Novembre 2016. Au niveau des résultats, Chris MacClugage, l'homme qu'on surnomme "The GOAT", pour The Greatest Of All Time, est reparti avec le titre de Champion 2016 en remportant les 2 premières manches sur 3 devant Eric Francis et Aero Aswar.
Le week-end fut marqué par les nombreuses interruptions de course due à la présence de mammifères marins dans le parcours. Les tortues et les lamantins n'ont pas empêché David Chassier de réaliser sa meilleure performance jusqu'à maintenant avec une 9e place Overall en terminant respectivement 7, 12 et 9 sur son Kawasaki Ultra310. Connaissant ses aptitudes d'endurance et son habileté à revenir sur ses concurrents en fin de course, il aurait peut-être même pu faire mieux si la deuxième manche n'avait pas été interrompue après seulement 5 tours due à la présence de tortues entre les bouées. À noter la superbe 4e place d'Anya Colley, la pilote Britannique est la seule femme à se mesurer aux hommes en Pro Enduro et ne démérite pas sa place sur son Sea-Doo.
Retrouvez les PHOTOS ici
Palm Beach, Floride, USA - 12 et 13 Novembre 2016
Après avoir récupéré le jet ski Kawasaki Ultra310 de David Chassier chez Riva Racing Pompano Beach, nous avons pu repérer le spot de Lake Worth - Palm Beach en Floride où allait se tenir la 4e manche du P1 AquaX Pro Enduro durant le week end du 12 et 13 Novembre 2016. C'est avec plaisir que nous avons pu constater que les conditions de mer allaient être favorable aux Kawasaki vu les drapeaux rouges de sorties et l'interdiction d'aller à l'eau, malgré tout, bravée par des surfers plus qu'heureux de se faire défoncer dans les vagues.
Ce fut une course riche en action avec beaucoup de chutes et un crash spectaculaire entre le favori local Eric Francis et l'Indonésien Aero Aswar é revoir en vidéo sur le facebook du P1 AquaX en cliquant ICI. Au final, on retrouve un podium de titans avec en tête deux Américains, Chris MacClugage, aspirant au titre de Champion 2016, Eric Francis, ancien Champion 2015 et le Canadien Mike Klipenstein, actuel meneur du Championnat 2016. David Chassier réussira une belle course malgré une machine qui manque de watt par rapport à ses concurrents. Il terminera avec une 10e position Overall en se classant respectivement 12, 10 et 9. À noter un week-end problématique pour le pilote Kawasaki Craig Warner qui ne pourra pas réparer son Ultra310 à temps et devra abandonner avant même le départ de la première manche.
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FFM Caval'EAU Jet Cup
Cavalaire, FRANCE - 16 et 18 Septembre 2016
Première course en France de la saison 2016 pour David Chassier #41. Entouré de ses amis et sa famille, il abordait cette course de façon sereine et espérait faire tout aussi bien si ce n'était mieux que sa 3e place de l'an dernier.
Dans un vrai parcours d'endurance au coeur de la "French Riviera", la première manche est un succès, il termine 2e en Run F1 derrière Sébastien Touyeras #6. Le lendemain, manque de chance, il explose son moteur Kawasaki et doit abandonner le reste de la course. Cette épreuve restera tout de même un très bon souvenir avec la présence de ses potes Guilbaut Colas, Jeannot, Tim Fournier, son cousin Franck et Sabrina Lepage et son neveu Théo Lepage.
C'était l'occasion pour le Jet Club de Cavalaire et pour son président Éric LeBas de rendre hommage à Stéphane Breton, un pilote de Jet Ski que nous avons eu l'honneur et la chance de côtoyer sur de nombreuses courses dont la Jet Raid en Grèce. Les pilotes qui le souhaitaient ont pu déposer une gerbe de fleur au Cap Lardier en sa mémoire. Nous lui souhaitons un bon repos et transmettons nos sympathies à la famille.
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Team Race Spirit
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About Us
The Team Race Spirit is a PWC Racing Team founded by David CHASSIER, professionnel WaterCraft pilot from Blois, France.
After being the biggest and most titles winning private PWC team in the World, the Team Race Spirit is now focussing on Endurance WaterCraft races mostly in the United States for 2017.
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Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on PWC Races by mail.